Married Karen (Ward) August 2, 1964
Adrian College B.A. Eng Lit & Language 1965
United Theological Seminary M.Div. 1969
Worship & Preaching
Learning-Serving Sabbatical in Inner City
New Haven, Connecticut 1973-74
Four wonderful years in the Upper Peninsula just 30 miles south of Copper Harbor and experiencing better than 200 inches of snow each year 1974-77
Oakland County Jail Chaplin while I served a parish in Union Lake (Waterfor Twnship) 1986-89
United Theological Seminary D.Min. 1989
L.E.A.D. Inc. Certificate of Excellance in
Pastoral Ministry and Neuro-Linguistic
Process 1996
Led 31 High Adventure Backpack Treks in Ontario, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Montana, & Wyoming - 1969 to 2004
Personal Backpack Treks in Montana and Isle Royale National Park - 2005-2006
Retired March 1, 2010 - 47 years as pastor
Open Heart Surgery (valve replacement) May 19, 2010 - regained vigorus exercise program.
Working on manuscript of devotional writings.
Energy-Balancing Practicioner: Reiki Master/Teacher, Kolamni, MariEl, Diamond Light, and Shamannic Journey
"...we are stunned by the immensity of the universe and amazed by the activity in a drop of pond water...Out of nothing the glorious, awesome universe emerged! Reality, you are gorgeous; Universe you are Wonder-full."
"No plan predestined upon which to thrive or stumble. Only capacity, circunstance, and given limit to embrace, mine, and from which to learn...opportunity waiting for our choice of incarnate splendor. In wild freedom and obedience to our NOW-moment, the Great Work of making one healthy world-community awaits our energy."